Workshops PDF

Alternativ zu den Präsentationen (Hauptprogramm) am Dienstag, 16. April bestand die Gelegenheit, an Workshops und Informationsveranstaltungen teilzunehmen. 

Detaillierte Beschreibungen (Englisch):

Student exchange programme at ETH Zurich
9:30–10:00, HIL E8
In this road show you get useful information for student exchange programmes in the Geomatics Engineering and Planning studies at the ETH Zurich. After a short presentation you have the possibility to ask questions.

Geodetic Astronomy
10:30–12:00, HIL D53, 25 participants at most
The Geodesy and Geodynamics Lab presents it’s modern and pioneering instruments as applied in geodetic astronomy at ETH Zurich. The demonstration focuses on the Digital Astronomical Deflection Measuring System (Diadem) as well as on a low-cost approach with a digitized total station (Digital Astro-Geodetic on-line Observation System, Daedalus). Hardware and software are demonstrated.

Set measurements with traditional theodolites

10:30–12:00, HIL roof, 15 participants at most
You have the opportunity to measure some targets with old manual theodolites from Wild (Switzerland) which is now known as Leica Geosystems. A little competition is run among the participants: The operator with the most precise measurement values wins.

Instrument demonstration

10:30–12:00, HIL C71.3, 25 participants at most
Mainly the Leica Smart Station (including Tacheometry and GNSS) are demonstrated. Part of the demonstration takes place in the measurement catacombs of the ETH. It is held by an experienced senior scientist (post-doc).

Autodesk Products
09:30–12:00, HIL D60.1, 25 participants at most
The company CAD Partner presents the highlights of the Autodesk software packages Vestra Seven, AutoCAD Civil 3D and Topobase 2010. The possibility to try out the software is given subsequently.

> Übersicht als PDF (EN, mit Abstracts): abstracts_workshops.pdf

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